Voluntary vs. Involuntary Ignorance (Part 3)
“Yes, there are many aspects of this religion which we are not responsible for knowing. There
“Yes, there are many aspects of this religion which we are not responsible for knowing. There
We must understand that the foundation of our relationship, one with another, is based on Islam
It seems some of us have become like those who like to find fault with everyone
“As we mentioned before, generally fiqh means to understand something, or to have an understanding of
“As husbands, contrary to popular belief, the men have a huge responsibility placed on them.
{The fasting men and fasting women, the men who guard their private parts and the women
“We have to understand that there are going to be plenty of people that will continue
As well, the month of Shabaan gives you the opportunity to begin to prepare for the
We must think about the fact that the best of creation, the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s
“He himself explained that what he was referring to was “All that the Prophet (may Allah’s
“We can not sit back and allow that which was sent to us as guidance from
“I am only suggesting that as Muslims, even if we are not going to use these
“Instead, we need to be giving our children encouraging words. We need to praise them when
“People get so caught up in who their public profile and popular opinion has made them
“In today’s article we want to tackle a third issue that really needs to be corrected