Bringing About Positive Change (Part 15)
Experience is another thing that we must take into consideration. We may see something happening and
Experience is another thing that we must take into consideration. We may see something happening and
Other times, we ourselves know that we are not really the most qualified individuals to handle
Unfortunately, we find many of us want to make people listen to and respect what we
We also have to remember that sometimes, even though we may have the desire, that we
Without a doubt, corruption does exist in some places. The accusations may be true in some
The result of their action many times causes people to become frustrated with those that run
For example, many of us have seen this in our communities. Someone begins complaining about how
How many times have we experienced someone going off half cocked about an issue that really
The thing is though, that we must remember that this council that is sought out is
An important part of bringing about change in an effective manner, is seeking counsel from those
Clearly, pointing out what is not liked in a situation is not enough. We need to
In the scenario mentioned in the last post the proper thing to do is to give
It seems some of us have become like those who like to find fault with everyone
Unfortunately, we see all around us, people who believe they have really done something by simply
This month I want to engage in a discussion about bringing change in our communities specifically,