Welcome to our Mustalihil Hadeeth Program Workshop!!!
Welcome to our program. We are excited to be able to have launched this new course. For a while now, many of you have been asking about a course like this. We chose this book, as a course of study because not only is it from that was written and organized by one of the major Scholars of our time (May Allah have mercy on him), but because it was originally designed to be taught as a course in a school setting. So therefore, we know that it is set up for teaching that which is necessary to understand this elaborate science. We have broken the program into two levels.
This is the First Level of a two level course. As usual, you will receive two modules per week. You will receive one new lesson every Monday and Thursday until we reach the end of the program.
The cost of this particular part of the course has a registration fee of $44.97 which is a one time fee. This price includes the 11 videos that you will receive a link to watch during the course of the workshop, as well as a the downloadable MP3 of each individual lecture (which is yours to keep). On top of that, you get to do it from the comfort of your own homes. Could you possibly ask for a better deal?
You make this payment below either before or registering your information in the spaces provide. Just remember that you must complete both steps in order to finish your registration entirely.
The payment of $44.97 can be made here;
[avishi-paypal-button name=”Mustalihil Hadeeth – Level 1″ number=”Product ID” amount=”44.97″]
Maash Allah I’m very happy to join and read this book and the others too ofcourse the others too//Asalam alayka.
Wa alaikum as salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh. The Sheikh really simplified the whole science, as you will see in the program. We pray that Allah makes it beneficial to all of you. Allahuma ameen.