We need to be making an abundance of du’aa that Allah accepts from us our efforts during this month and other than it. You will find that many of us feel as though, just because we have completed certain acts of worship that it will automatically be accepted and our reward is guaranteed. This is not exactly how things work. Allah accepts those acts that He wills, which fits certain standards that He has set. Therefore, we need to always be asking Allah to forgive us where we fell short at in our efforts. We have to ask Him to except from us that which we are doing, even when we feel as though it is perfect, as the reality of our actions, statements and beliefs are only truly known by Allah.
Therefore, my advice to myself first, then to all of you is to make sure to ask Allah repeatedly that He accepts from us our efforts during the Month of Ramadan. We also MUST ask Him to write us from those that continue upon our new way of life outside or Ramadan. This is because Ramadan should be a time in which we get ourselves in the practice of doing better and living better. Many things if we have been consistent upon them, should be easy for us to continue of we just give it a little effort. We should not be like those that have been waiting all month to “get back to normal”, rather we should have a new normal. This “New Normal” should cause us to change the way that we see and do things. But just because we have this new way we have been living, does not mean that we will be able to remain upon it automatically. Rather, we must understand that it will not happen, except Allah writes for us success in it. Therefore, if we want His help in this, it is only right that we turn to HIm and ask Him for it. Don’t you agree?