Breaking a non obligatory fast
Question: If an individual breaks a non obligatory fast does he obtain a sin for that? If he
Question: If an individual breaks a non obligatory fast does he obtain a sin for that? If he
Question: What is the reason for the prohibition of singling out Friday with a fast? Does this prohibition include
Question: What is a continuous fast? Is it legislated in Islam? Answer: The continuous fast is to not break
If a person fasts every other day, and one of the days happen to fall on
Question: What is the ruling on the fast performed in the month of Sha’baan? Answer: Fasting is
He (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said, “I have more right to Moosa
If he wants he fasts them in the beginning, or in the middle or in the
“A man has to make up a day from Ramadan, but didn’t make it before the
Question: A sick person broke his fast in Ramadan. After four days from the time the
The answer to that is the statement of the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be
Question: Is there a supplication that is said to be from the Sunnah for breaking the
{Oh you who believe, prescribed upon you is the fast just as it was upon those
Question: What is false witness? Does it nullify ones fast? Answer: False witness is from the major
Question: Does someones using forbidden speech during the month of Ramadan nullify his fasting? Answer: When
Question: Does tasting the food nullify ones fast? Answer: No, it does not nullify the fast as long