Major Misconceptions (Part 2)
The first topic that we need to look at is the whole issue of how we
The first topic that we need to look at is the whole issue of how we
I want to take a second to welcome you to a new topic of discussion. This
So as the final note in this discussion, I want to remind us all that bringing
Also, we need to understand that not every time someone comes around talking about having something
We have to remember that hardship is not always brought about by those wanting evil and
The examples of this situation of not having true knowledge of the situation at hand, nor
We then find ourselves trying to replace the original wrong, once it is proven to be
We even see this in our lives as Muslims on a regular basis in many of
Due to this we find that people call themselves trying to bring about a change that
The first point that I want to concentrate on is really knowing the thing in which
What was meant by that previous statement, is that we need to have real sound knowledge
Up until now, we have been discussing very important aspects of what needs to be taken
When we look at the situation of those who bring about this harm and their call,
As a matter of fact, there is a principle that I have mentioned in previous conversations
Some of you have mentioned, not all avenues are just and can be trusted. You are