Experience is another thing that we must take into consideration. We may see something happening and feel it is a real issue that can cause many different problems down the line. Now we decide that we want to bring this problem to the attention of the people. The thing we have to remember is that most times, people are going to look at us and our experience in dealing with this situation before taking our advice seriously. For instance, your chest starts hurting or feeling strange. Someone tries to tell you that it may be a sign of an oncoming stroke and that you should go directly to the hospital. If you know this person does not have a lot of experience with chest pains or dealing with patients with them, will you take their advice seriously and go? How about if a physician or EMT worker tells you this same advice? I am sure you would think twice about leaving off their advice. This is not arrogance, it is a normal way of thinking. We need to understand others think in the same manner.
-Abu Abdillah Abdul Lateef